January Events
Join us for these great Events & Workshops
Do it Anyway
People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered.
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies.
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you.
Be honest and sincere anyway.
What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight.
Create anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous.
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, will often be forgotten.
Do good anyway.
Give the best you have, and it will never be enough.
Give your best anyway.
In the final analysis, it is between you and God.
It was never between you and them anyway.
Community Wellness Day At The Country Club
Come join us at the Montclair country club Satruday, Janruary 12th 9:30 AM till 3:30 PM for a day of wellness.
At Peace of Mind & Body Wellness Studios we encourage you to “Lighten Up and Loosen Up” at your own perfect pace. Our founder Aliya, has been living and teaching a yoga based lifestyle since immigrating from India over thirty years ago. Aliya is certified through the Yoga Fit program and has been instructing a wide variety of age groups in yoga, stretching, meditation, and sports activities to children, adults and senior citizens at Fairfax County Parks & Recreation facilities, as well as retirement centers, and studios.
With both of her parents born in India, Aliya has lived her entire life in an environment of meditation and movement, and she truly enjoys the opportunity to teach others how to find their inner peace and harmony.